If you have an overbite and are looking for a cosmetic treatment that is more discrete, then you may be wondering if clear aligners are the right option for you. Can clear aligners help you correct this misalignment?

Let’s find out!

What Are Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners are an alternative to traditional metal braces that can help correct the position of your teeth. The main reason people choose this option is their discreet appearance, as they are not nearly as noticeable as traditional metal braces.

Made out of a durable plastic material, clear aligners are transparent trays that are placed on the teeth. They work by applying pressure to correct the alignment issue you might have. As the treatment progresses, the trays are readjusted to guide the teeth towards the desired position.

Clear aligners can be taken out for eating, drinking, and cleaning your teeth, but it is important to keep them in for at least 20 hours per day. This is how you can make sure that the treatment is as effective as possible. Following this rule will also help reduce the time it takes to align your teeth.

Dental Issues That Clear Aligners Can Fix

A clear aligner can fix an overbite, among other orthodontic problems. It is important to keep in mind that a set of clear aligners can usually fix mild to moderate issues. If your teeth alignment issue is too severe, your best option may be metal braces.

But before you choose any kind of orthodontic therapy, talk to your dentist and get a professional opinion on it. Here is what clear aligners can help you with:

  • Gapped teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Mild to a moderate crossbite
  • Mild to moderate overbite
  • Mild to moderate underbite
  • Open bite

Can Clear Aligners Fix an Overbite?

The short answer is yes, clear aligners can fix an overbite. It is important to address this issue as soon as possible since it can lead to other dental complications if not treated. By treating an overbite you can:

Prevent damage to your teeth and gums

Prevent jaw pain and developing TMJ disorder

It corrects facial bone structure

It helps if you have a speech impediment

How Can Clear Aligners Fix An Overbite?

An overbite is when your upper teeth extend further beyond your lower teeth. If your overbite is mild to moderate, clear aligner therapy can help correct it and give you the smile and oral health you aim to have.

Clear aligners have to be worn for 20 to 22 hours each day in order to ensure the best results. They apply gentle pressure on your teeth until they reach the desired alignment. The jaw is also receptive to the treatment and shifts as your teeth move.

The length of treatment depends on several factors, including the severity of your overbite, and your diligence when it comes to wearing your aligners. Most patients achieve their desired results in around 12 months, but your case could vary.

For more information about clear aligners and other dental services, call us at (678) 804-8818 or schedule an appointment online at Auburn Hills Family Dentistry. We are here to provide great care for your oral health.