Crossbites are a common bite-related problem that can affect both the look and function of your smile. Not only can it leave you displeased with how your teeth look, but in some cases, crossbites can lead to further complications such as TMJ/TMD.
The good news is that you have a lot of options when it comes to treating a crossbite, and not all of them involve wearing visible metal wires on your teeth. Keep reading to find out how clear aligners can fix your crossbite, and whether it’s the right type of treatment for you.
What Is a Crossbite?
If you close your mouth and notice some of your upper teeth are sitting inside the lower teeth, that is a crossbite.
There are usually two causes for crossbites: dental and skeletal.
With dental crossbites, this condition is essentially formed because of your teeth’s position, which have erupted improperly for several reasons:
- Prolonged thumb sucking as a child
- Stubborn baby teeth which blocked the adult teeth from erupting
- Genetics, etc.
With skeletal crossbites, the issue isn’t your teeth, but your jawbone that leads to this improper teeth positioning.
What Are Clear Aligners?
Clear aligners in Dacula are a popular orthodontic alternative to traditional metal braces. They involve wearing a set of aligners which when in direct contact with your teeth, can slowly move them into their most optimal position.
Because they are clear, these aligners can provide a much more discreet treatment than traditional metal braces. Moreover, the aligners are removable which can provide easy maintenance throughout the treatment. Many patients with traditional metal braces often need to make certain dietary changes to avoid food getting stuck in between their wires.
How do Clear Aligners Fix Crossbites?
Clear aligners can help fix certain types of crossbites, specifically dental crossbites. The trays are custom-made to suit your teeth, which allows the treatment to move the teeth into a new position that will greatly reduce the appearance of a crossbite.
However, if you are dealing with a skeletal crossbite, then you may require surgery, as orthodontic treatments will not be enough to correct it.
How Do You Know If Clear Aligners Are Right for You?
The only way to know for sure how to correct your crossbite is to see Dr. Josh Haycock for an appointment. During your visit, Dr. Haycock will closely inspect your crossbite and determine the best course of action required to offer you a happy and healthy smile.
Book Your First Appointment Today
Auburn Hills Family Dentistry offers clear aligner services designed to help our patients get that perfectly straight smile they deserve.
If you are dealing with a crossbite and want to know if clear aligners are right for you, book an appointment with Dr. Haycock today!
For more information about Clear Aligners or our dental services, don’t hesitate to call our team directly at (678) 804-8818.