Exploring your dental laughing gas options in Dacula? Check out this short blog post to know exactly what to expect.
Laughing gas can play a huge role in your oral health. If you’re dealing with dental anxiety, a disability, or need lots of dental work, sedation like laughing gas can make sure you’re perfectly relaxed while at the dentist.
Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about this type of sedation dentistry in Dacula.
What Is Laughing Gas?
Laughing gas (nitrous oxide) is a type of sedative commonly used in the dentist’s office. It’s considered a mild sedative with short-term effects that only last for as long as the gas is in your system.
Here’s how laughing gas is administered by dentists:
- A special mask is placed over your nose
- You begin to inhale a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen
- The stream is constant and will last the entire procedure
- As you inhale the gas, you’ll begin to feel calm and relaxed
- Once the dentist finishes your treatment, they switch tanks so the mask delivers oxygen
- As you inhale and exhale, the gas is fully expelled from your system
For most patients, getting laughing gas is not a big deal, and many of them can even drive themselves home after getting dental work.
Is Laughing Gas Safe?
Laughing gas is generally considered safe when administered by a trained professional and in a controlled setting – like at the dentist’s. It’s such a well-tolerated sedative that it’s also used in pediatric dentistry.
Still, laughing gas is not for everyone. There are some cases where a dentist may recommend another type of dental sedation. These can include:
- Pregnancy
- Nitrous oxide allergy
- Medical conditions or medications that affect lung capacity
How Do I Know If Laughing Gas Is Safe for Me?
Before recommending any form of sedation, a dentist should take a closer look at your medical history to determine the best possible option.
If you don’t have a known allergy to laughing gas or have used it in the past successfully, then you most likely still get laughing gas now. Even if you do react badly to it, the side effects are temporary.
They will only last for as long as the gas is in your system. If you get a reaction, the dentist will quickly switch the tanks and let you inhale oxygen, which will make you feel better.
Some of the unwanted side effects you could experience include nausea, headaches, vomiting, or dizziness.
Explore Your Sedation Options at Auburn Hills Family Dentistry
Are you wondering if laughing gas is the right type of dental sedation for you? Dr. Josh Haycock is here to help you find out!
Learn your options regarding stress-free and painless dentistry by scheduling an appointment online, or call us at (678) 804-8818 to learn more about sedation dentistry.