Dental anxiety is more common than you may think but there are ways to manage it. Laughing gas, for example, is a mild sedative that can help patients relax during dental treatment.
Whenever we recommend laughing gas to our anxious patients, one of their main concerns is the sedative’s side effects.
Here’s what you need to know about laughing gas and how it works.
What Is Laughing Gas?
Laughing gas is actually nitrous oxide, a colorless and odorless gas that has a mild euphoric effect. While it will not prevent you from feeling pain, it will give you a deep sense of relaxation, helping you feel calm and comfortable during dental treatment.
Nitrous oxide works by inhibiting pain signals in the nervous system and prompting the body to release more endorphins.
What to Expect During the Appointment
The team at Auburn Hills Family Dentistry will make sure that you are comfortable and ready for the procedure. Your Dacula sedation dentist will place a mask over your nose and you will start to breathe in a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen. Within a few minutes, you may feel relaxed, euphoric, or even a bit giggly, hence the name “laughing gas.”
As we said, laughing gas doesn’t have an anesthetic effect, so the dentist will also use some form of anesthesia to numb your mouth. You will receive the treatment while you are under the effect of the gas.
Laughing gas doesn’t put you to sleep so you’ll be awake and able to respond to instructions.
Once the treatment is over, the dentist will turn off the gas and switch to pure oxygen for a few minutes.
Is It Safe?
Yes, laughing gas is safe and it’s often used in pediatric dentistry to help kids remain calm during dental treatment. Its effects are mild and go away in a few minutes after switching the gas off. The dentist will also check your medical history before using any type of sedation to make sure you can safely receive it.
Some patients may experience nausea, vomiting, dizziness, or headache, but these side effects are rare. Moreover, the dentist will monitor your vitals and symptoms throughout and after the treatment. You can only leave the office after we’ve made sure that you are feeling fine and aren’t experiencing any side effects.
Is Fear Preventing You From Getting Dental Treatment?
We get it. No one looks forward to their dentist appointment. But, that doesn’t mean you should postpone your treatment because of your dental anxiety.
At Auburn Hills Family Dentistry, we offer sedation dentistry, including laughing gas.
If you want to learn more about our sedation options, you can get in touch with us and tell us about your worries and concerns.
You can also call us at (678) 804-8818 to book your appointment.